How to choose your snowboard protection?

From beginner to expert, there's protection for everyone

Whether you're trying your hand at your first turns or you're an expert snowboarder, we all need the right protection.

It goes without saying that the basic equipment essential (if not compulsory) for all snowboarders consists of a helmet, gloves (or mittens), goggles and sunglasses.

When you're new to snowboarding, it's only natural to be afraid of bumps, falls and broken bones, which can ruin your vacation.

Several areas are particularly at risk: the head, of course, but also the back, wrists and forearms, buttocks and knees.

As you gain experience and master the art of snowboarding, your fear of danger fades, but even the best rider can get hurt. Head and back protection (with a back protector or a good rucksack) remain essential for safe enjoyment.

From inexpensive products to top-of-the-range brands, choose the equipment that suits your needs. Snowboarding one week a year? You can opt for "entry-level" products. If you're out on the snow most of the season, it may be worth investing in more robust equipment.

Before making your snowboard protection purchase, here's our head-to-toe advice to help you make your choice!

Head protection

As mentioned above, helmets are an essential part of your winter sports protection. Whether you're skiing or snowboarding, a minor fall with a helmet can be very serious if you don't wear one, regardless of your speed.

There's no shortage of choice these days when it comes to finding the perfect model for you. Our first piece of advice is to take the time to try on the different models to make sure that the shape fits you and that the helmet is the right size for you. The helmet shouldn't hug you too tightly or flop around on your head, and the top of your neck should be well covered to avoid shocks.

As for the rest, it's all a matter of taste: with or without integrated mask, discreet or fluorescent color, to match the rest of your accessories...

Eye protection

This protection is aimed at all mountain holidaymakers, whether they're skiing, snowboarding, hiking or simply having lunch outdoors. Indeed, the sun's reflection on the snow is very strong, and presents risks for the eyes.

Sunglasses or goggles - it's a question of the sports you play, your comfort and your taste! A word of advice: be careful with lens categories to ensure optimum protection: class 4 and covering shapes are the most suitable; the sun also passes through the sides of sunglasses.

Some masks allow you to integrate your prescription glasses, but you can also swap your binoculars for contact lenses (if you can tolerate them).

Last but not least, the use of sun protection for your face is obviously recommended.

Back protection

And no, back protectors aren't just for top riders! When you start snowboarding, the risks of falling on your back are rarely avoidable. To ensure maximum safety for your back and avoid injury, we advise you to invest at least in a mountain backpack (covering the whole back and reinforced).

If you're in season or snowboarding very regularly and don't wear a backpack, we recommend you opt for a back protector. Choose a model that allows good freedom of movement without being too loose. Ideally, it should cover the lower back. Some models also protect the front of the body.

Protective shorts

Snowboard protection shorts are far from being an accessory when it comes to protecting your tailbone in the event of a fall onto your buttocks. They can be slipped under your snowboard pants and won't restrict your freedom of movement in any way. Choose your size and you're done. Now you can ride without bruises or broken bones!

Wrist protection

Lorsque l'on débute le snowboard, les poignets sont particulièrement sollicités, en cas de chute ou simplement pour vous relever. Les risques de blessures sont fréquents et il serait dommage d'écourter votre séjour en montagne pour une fracture au poignet.

Les protèges poignets permettent de limiter les chocs en cas de chute. Une fois de plus, les modèles ne manquent pas, certains couvrent seulement le poignet quand d'autres remontent plus haut sur le bras. Conseil : pensez à essayer les protections avec vos gants ou vos moufles pour vous assurez qu'ils sont suffisamment grands pour être portés avec.

De façon générale, lorsque vous progressez en snowboard, vous chaussez debout, vous chutez moins, vous avez moins besoin de vous relever etc. Cela permet d'abandonner petit à petit ces accessoires qui demeurent indispensables pour les débutants.

Safety on the slopes

The best snowboard protection equipment should not obscure the fact that safety also, and above all, depends on how you behave on the slopes.

Whether you're a skier or snowboarder, whatever your level of ability and whatever your equipment, respect the safety rules on the slopes to ensure that everyone has a great time on the snow:

wear a helmet

respect the opening hours of the ski area

off-piste: inform yourself and equip yourself

don't park in the middle of the slopes

control your trajectory

control your speed

⚠️ Take care on the slopes :

Measure your speed, watch out for other skiers and your trajectory, don't park in the middle of the slopes, and wear a helmet. The ski area is open from 9:00 am to 4:45 pm.

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