Pièce de théâtre " Lycée Molière "
2024年10月29日, 星期二 小时小时 和 小时小时分钟 之间.
Nombre de place limité.
从: 12 年
STUPOR IN PARADISE! God is threatening to expel the illustrious Jean-Baptiste Poquelin. France is forgetting the language of Molière ....
Directed by Olivier Sauton
Molière is sitting in heaven, and he's bored. The illustrious playwright, who spent his life on stage, now finds himself trapped in an eternity where time
seems long, so long...
How long ago it was that he regaled audiences with his droll jibes, his pantomimes borrowed from Scaramouche, his witticisms in which the beauty of the verse mingled with the impertinence of the subject!
But in paradise, neither audience nor theater! No applause! No spectators laughing! Molière, since he became immortal, is mortally bored! What a tragedy for the king of comedy!