Intersport 1650
Datas de abertura
From 01/07 to 25/08/2024, daily between 9 am and 7 pm.
From 07/12/2024 to 21/04/2025, daily between 9 am and 7 pm.
Idioma(s) falado(s): English, French
ChildrenFor athletesTeenagersGroups
Meios de pagamento aceitos
Cadhoc cheque
American Express
Bank/credit card
Travellers Cheque
Connect Travellers Cheque
Online payment
Contactless payment
Intersport, world leader in the distribution and rental of sports equipment.
For almost 100 years, we have been sharing our passion for sport with you!
Cross-country ski hire
Ski touring equipment hire
Snowscooter hire
Downhill ski hire
Snowshoe rental
Toboggan rental
Snowboard rental
Ski Helmet Rental
Rental of mountain safety equipment in winter
Sale alpine ski
Sale snowshoes
Ski of freerando rental
Snowblade/miniski hire