Passeio de esqui

Explore os cumes numa excursão de esqui em Courchevel. Uma aventura inesquecível que combina paisagens sublimes e emoções!

Veja a manutenção das pistas de esqui de turismo

As excursões de esqui em Courchevel, na Saboia, tornaram-se cada vez mais populares nos últimos anos. Na estância de esqui alpina, tornou-se uma atividade de montanha obrigatória! Sozinho ou acompanhado por um profissional da montanha, equipe-se com peles de foca, botas e esquis adaptados, e percorra as pistas preparadas e dedicadas durante toda a estação para descobrir novas sensações. Acessível também para as crianças, uma excursão de esqui promete momentos inesquecíveis em família, com a recompensa de uma vista dos picos de Vanoise e do Monte Branco do cimo das pistas!

Onde se dirigir

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Ski school ESA Black Ski - ski school and mountaineering

ESA Black Ski provides skiing/snowboarding lessons for all levels with qualified instructors, and high mountains outings with qualified guides. They also organise ski-touring, off-piste and snowshoeing activities, among others.

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ESF Courchevel 1650 Moriond


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Aventure Montagne

High-mountain guides and ski instructors based in Courchevel and La Tania. Activities available: heliskiing, off-piste skiing, hiking, skiing.

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The One Courchevel

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ESF Courchevel 1850

Whether you are an accomplished skier/snowboarder or just starting out on your first trip to the French Alps, ESF COURCHEVEL 1850 have everything you will need to make your holiday a rewarding experience. You will find there everything you need to improve your skills and technique.

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Courchevel Mountain Guide

Explore the exceptional domain of Courchevel & 3 Vallées, on and off-piste, alongside a team of renowned mountain professionals. Activities: backcountryskiing, off piste, snowshoeing, freeride, heliski, ice climbing...

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Optima Ski School

Teaching Excellence Extraordinary Teachers from across the World

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First Tracks Ski Coaching ESI

To get the most out of this exceptional mountain playground, our instructors initiate beginners to the joys of sliding on snow and help experienced skiers improve their technique, whilst discovering the hidden gems of the 3 Valleys.

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ESF Courchevel Village

Relaxed skiing at your rhythm, be it performance or discovering the slopes : the ESF Courchevel instructors put the vast stretches of the resort at your disposal.

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