01 / 02
7 - Sentier Bellevue
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This route offers a combination of pleasant downhill balcony trails through the forest between the two highest villages in the resort.
From the Sandraz totem, take the snow-covered path which goes down to the Cospillot ski run and cross it (beware of skiers). Follow the track in the forest for about 80m and look for a small trail on the left. After a few turns on this path, you will reach the Bellevue trail, above the road, which leads to the Plan du Vah. Cross the road and reach the wide groomed path, on the lake’s left bank. At the Plan du Vah totem, go straight on. 500m further, turn right on a small trail which leads to the edge of the torrent. There, you will find a path to follow for about 400m. Cross the bridge and continue until you reach the houses.
Zeitraum(e) der Praxis
Von 01/12 bis 30/04
Nur bei günstigen WetterbedingungenNur bei günstigen Schneeverhältnissen
Haustiere akzeptiert