J - La Corbière (hiver)
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Plan des sentiers Hiver 2022-2023 - Itinéraire J, page 4
Head out and explore two different sides of Courchevel Moriond: past (old montagnette stone chalets) and present (Aquamotion, the biggest aquafun centre in the mountains).
From the centre of Courchevel Moriond, go down the stairs on the left side of the road after the Blanche Neige hotel.
After a stroll in the Vieux Moriond following signs for La Corbière, cross the road then take the path until you reach La Corbière hamlet. Continue on the track on your left to reach Aquamotion.
Go uphill alongside the road and go back to the resort centre via the escalator.
Freier Zugang.
Zeitraum(e) der Praxis
Von 01/12 bis 30/04
Nur bei günstigen WetterbedingungenNur bei günstigen Schneeverhältnissen
Haustiere akzeptiert