Les Marmots day-care center
Даты открытия
С 09/12/2024 до 21/04/2025 с 8h30 до 17h30.
Не работает суббота.
Язык(и), на котором(ых) говорят: Французский
Разрешено проживание с домашними животными: Non
Специально для семей с детьмиДля детей
С: 6 mois
Максимальный возраст: 5 ans
Les tarifs sont consultables sur notre site internet :
Are you looking for childcare during your vacations in Courchevel?
The Marmots tourist day-care center in Courchevel Moriond welcomes children aged 6 months to 5 years.
You must provide a copy of your child's vaccination record, or bring your child's health record, to use the drop-in center.
For their comfort and well-being, babies under 18 months are welcomed for half-day care only. Children with special needs are welcome after studying their situation and providing a PAI (Projet d'Accueil Individuel).
For children enrolled in ski lessons, we offer a transfer service between the nursery and the lessons, in collaboration with the ski schools.